What to Wear to Music Festivals

Music festivals are a great opportunity to let your spirit, fashion sense, and/or freak flag fly high. That's one of the many reasons we love them so much.

But here's the deal:

You need to know what to wear to music festivals if you want to stay comfortable for a weekend rager or all day extravaganza.

In fact:

One of the most important things you can do is to dress properly.

The key to doing that is knowing what to expect at your event.

Are you going to a campout that might see rain and mud? Are you going to Coachella, where style tends to be put on a pedestal?

Many women who go to festivals are worried about what they will put on throughout several days and nights of booty shaking. Here are some styles of festival fashion for women that will make you stand out at the music that you love.

what to wear to music festivals


One of the most popular festival styles for women is ballroom dance wear. It is important that you choose an outfit that compliments your body so that you look good on and off the dance floor. If you are choosing festival dresses for ballroom dances, choose one that is elegant with a fitted bodice, and does not have too many patterns or embroidery. Ballroom dance dresses can be found in one piece or with several different pieces that allow you to move and twist as you wish. 


If you love classic boho styles, then you might consider wearing traditional outfits to music festivals. These include empire-waisted tops, long sleeves, and stripped shorts. The empire-waisted shirt looks best when it is paired with a long flowing skirt, and the long sleeve shirt gives you enough coverage to make you feel comfortable while still looking trendy. Long, striped shorts are also popular and look great when paired with a nice, short skirt. When shopping for festival clothing, you will need to decide between light and dark colors as well as heavy or light materials based on the expected weather. 


If you want to dress down, then casual attire is always great, too. Think about your personality and what types of clothes you enjoy wearing. If you are into vintage and alternative styles, then dress down with an old-school t-shirt and jeans. You can even choose colors to go with your favorite genres. For example, choose bright reds and pinks if you like pop, and choose pastels and greens if you like country.

Just be yourself. That's what's really cool.


If you are planning on doing a lot of dancing, then go ahead and bring some dance wear. Most music festivals have lots of free dancing, so dress accordingly.

Dancing shoes? Check.

Trance pants? Check.


Taking a break from listening to music and just hanging out with friends is always fun, too. The best festivals give people a chance to let their hair down for a couple days and get back to being themselves. If you want to spice up your night with some extra flare or sequins jacket, then go ahead and do so. 

Don't ever be afraid to let your freak flag fly.

Thanks for reading.

We'll see you out there.

Stay safe!